Monday, February 20, 2012

Kazakh prosecutor general's office to communicate via text message.

ASTANA, January 21 2011 (TCA) -- Kazakhstans Prosecutor Generals Office has launched a program to allow citizens to check the status of their cases with the office through their mobile phones, the i-Free Kazakhstan mobile services company announced on January 19.

The company i-Free, which focuses on Russia and other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), will provide Kazakhstans state prosecutorial authority with a mobile version of the Electronic Slip system.

The system is already in use online, but many residents dont have access to it because internet coverage is limited in many parts of Kazakhstans vast territory.

The firms mobile product, however, will ride on the back of Kazakhstans cellular coverage, which reaches 100 percent of the territory.

In practical terms, a user can check the status of their inquiry with a text message to the service, which will prompt a reply giving the prosecutors decision or the date scheduled for a review.

We are glad that our technological expertise can benefit the judicial branch of government. Clearly, the mobile Electronic Slip service will dramatically simplify citizens access to critical information, the company press release quoted Maksim Gruzdov, Managing Director of i-Free-Kazakhstan.


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