Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Howard and new Japan PM discuss relations

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Howard and new Japan PM discuss relations

Prime Minister JOHN HOWARD has spoken to newly elected Japanese Prime Minister JUNICHIRO
KOIZUMI for the first time during a telephone conversation last night.

Mr HOWARD congratulated Mr KOIZUMI on his election as Prime Minister, becoming one
of the first foreign leaders to do so since his election on Thursday.

A spokeswoman for Mr HOWARD says both prime ministers agreed to place top priority
on the relationship between Australia and Japan.

She says the men also talked about the forthcoming Australia-Japan conference which
Mr HOWARD will address in Sydney tomorrow.

Mr KOIZUMI is sending representatives to the conference.

The authors of a new report in Australia-Japan trade say despite a decade of poor growth
in Japan, Australia's exports there had increased by almost 65 per cent.

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