Thursday, March 1, 2012

QLD: Beattie labels One Nation job destroyers

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD: Beattie labels One Nation job destroyers

Queensland Premier PETER BEATTIE has labelled One Nation's policies as job-destroyers.

But he's shied away from a personality debate over PAULINE HANSON.

Mr BEATTIE -- campaigning in Cairns where Labor is fighting to regain five marginal
seats -- has also cranked up the policy roll-out.

He says he disagrees with One Nation's policies on exports, tourism, education and
police training.

The Premier says he's worried that One Nation policies are against exports, but says
he won't attack anyone personally.

Mr BEATTIE has promised $1 million over two years to fight the Crown of Thorns starfish
in the Great Barrier Reef.

He also opened a new police station at Edmonton, near Cairns, and promised seniors
to help find work.

AAP RTV ap/sc/jtb/rt


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