Friday, March 2, 2012

Nortel Government Solutions Wins US$300 Million Social Security Network Award Global Enterprise VoIP System to Serve Influx of 'Baby Boomers,' Other New Users

WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - July 31, 2007) -The U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) has awarded a 10-yearcontract, valued up to US$300 million, for the SSA's TelephoneSystems Replacement Project (TSRP) to a team led by Nortel GovernmentSolutions(1), a U.S. company wholly owned by Nortel(1)(TSX:NT)(NYSE:NT).

The award calls for replacement of the SSA's existing worldwidetelephone systems with IP technology to create a converged voice anddata network. This network will enable a high-quality citizen serviceexperience through service delivery points designed by NortelGovernment Solutions to accommodate an anticipated influx of newusers, including retiring, largely Internet-savvy 'baby boomers.'

Expected to be among the world's largest enterprise VoIPimplementations, the network will replace existing telephone systemsin nearly 1,600 SSA field offices. It will include a 55,000-agentcontact center with carrier-class unified messaging and comprehensiveinteractive voice response (IVR) capabilities. It will also provideextensive security capabilities to protect citizen information andsupport for disabled users in compliance with Section 508 of theRehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. Section 794d).

"The fact that our offering came out on top speaks volumes aboutour world-class technology, services and performance," said ChuckSaffell, chief executive officer, Nortel Government Solutions."Drawing from Nortel's comprehensive portfolio of enterprise andservice provider VoIP solutions gave us the ability to offer the bestsolution for a customer and a network of this magnitude."

Moving to a converged voice and data network will enable SSA toexpand and improve service levels, consolidate monthly recurringpublic network service costs and decrease operating and maintenancecosts while establishing a platform to support future applicationsand services.

The Nortel Government Solutions team will provide VoIP hardware,software, integration and deployment services for SSA regionaloffices, program service centers and field offices. Network operationservices, user support and training are also included.

Nortel Government Solutions is already heavily involved in anumber of major VoIP transitions for U.S. Government customersworldwide, including the U.S. Air Force and the Department ofDefense.

The Nortel Government Solutions team includes General Dynamics,Black Box Network Services, Shared Technologies, AT&T, York Telecom,High Wire Networks, NetIQ and Pal-Tech.

About Nortel Government Solutions

Nortel Government Solutions is a network-centric integrator,providing the services expertise, mission-critical systems and securecommunications that empower government to ensure the security,livelihood, and well being of its citizens. Headquartered in Fairfax,Va., Nortel Government Solutions offers a one-stop shop for solutionsdesigned to improve workforce productivity, reduce operating costs,and streamline inter-agency communications. Please for more information.

About Nortel

Nortel is a recognized leader in delivering communicationscapabilities that make the promise of Business Made Simple a realityfor our customers. Our next-generation technologies, for both serviceprovider and enterprise networks, support multimedia and business-critical applications. Nortel's technologies are designed to helpeliminate today's barriers to efficiency, speed and performance bysimplifying networks and connecting people to the information theyneed, when they need it. Nortel does business in more than 150countries around the world. For more information, visit Nortel on theWeb at For the latest Nortel news,

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(1)Nortel, the Nortel logo and the Globemark are trademarks ofNortel Networks. Nortel Government Solutions and the NortelGovernment Solutions logo are trademarks of Nortel GovernmentSolutions Incorporated.

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