Sunday, March 4, 2012

2 Locals Throw Support To Hoffa

James P. Hoffa received a boost from two large Chicago localsover the weekend in his bid for the Teamsters Union presidency.

The 20,000-member Local 743, Chicago's largest Teamsters local,on Saturday elected a slate of pro-Hoffa delegates to the Teamsterconvention in July.

And on Sunday, members of Local 710 cheered Hoffa and denouncedincumbent Ron Carey at a rousing monthly meeting. Local 710 has12,000 members.Chicago is a stronghold for Hoffa, son of the late Teamster bossJames R. Hoffa.In January, 1,000 Teamsters gave Hoffa deafening cheers at arally at Local 701. And Hoffa's running mate is Bill Hogan of Local714.Hoffa is challenging Carey in the November …

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