Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Main stories in today's Canberra Times

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Main stories in today's Canberra Times

CANBERRA, Dec 12 AAP - The main stories in today's Canberra Times newspaper:

Page One: Full investigation launched into police shooting of a sword-wielding man
in a Canberra street; Increasing indications US honed a hit list of countries to target
for military action where terror cells flourish; Canberra men have highest life expectancy
in the country.

Page Two: Ansett administrators say workers could be paid first entitlements in time
for Christmas.

Page Three: Victorian building union boss Martin Kingham warns he will produce evidence
of employer rorts, tax evasion and safety breaches to the royal commission.

World: Israeli helicopter gunships destroy a Palestinian security headquarters in Gaza
Strip in missile strike before start of EU mission to bolster US peace efforts; Father
of Australian tourist killed in a Swiss canyoning disaster says it would be a sad world
if no-one was punished for their children's deaths.

Finance: Qantas Airways will launch no-frills international carrier, Australian Airlines,
in September next year; Royal commission says HIH Insurance fails to report $40 million
worth of builders' warranty claims for two years before it collapsed.

Sport: Canterbury Bulldogs Leagues Club delivers ultimatum to ACT Brumbies' new defence
coach Bradley Clyde to choose rugby union or league; Canberra appears to host next year's
trans-Tasman rugby league Test if New Zealand agrees to proceed with one-off match.

AAP lm/jmd


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